Freitag, 30. April 2010

Dienstag, 27. April 2010

Bratze Concert 26.4.2010

Excessive electro sigi power at the Bratze concert in Munich (Atomic Cafè)! We didn't know the support band, called High Voltage Humans, but they were pretty entertaining as well! Check them out, Bratze and High Voltage Humans.

Sonntag, 25. April 2010

Solid Ex-Rocker Searches For Love

Although he blasts heavy metal when he is at home, he misses something to kuddle. Please help us find a chick for this retired Sigi, he will fly to Mexico with you!

Political Correctness

Mogadishu Coast Guard

Pirates are the Sigis of the sea!

Motörhead - Killed By Death

Kids, this is the ultimate example of how to behave the right and asso way infront of your girlfriend's parents! Look and learn.

Sigi Food From South Africa

Original Slivers Biltong
Left: Game Biltong
Right: Spicy Beef Biltong

Samstag, 24. April 2010

Donnerstag, 22. April 2010

Postal Scene

One of the best scenes from the movie "Postal".
For all of you who didn't know yet, Postal was originally a Game... A very gory one! :D


They Do Strange Things When They Are Bored.

Cindy Sherman

She makes weird photographs.

Gangbangs Totally Arouse Us

Thanks for sharing.

The Story Of Ricky

You can watch the whole movie on youtube in 9 parts here.

Bitch, respect the mullet.

Mittwoch, 21. April 2010

Dienstag, 20. April 2010

Dendemann - Stumpf ist Trumpf

Rapping Sigi's!

Tura Satana

Tura Satana in the movie "Faster Pussycat Kill Kill".

Folks with Mullets

What a wonderful assortment of self-confident mullet bearer.

A Clockwork Orange Book

Try to read the book aswell. It is good. You will like it. I swear. READ IT.

Sigi Movies Nr. 3

Everybody knows it but still I think this movie is worth mentioning. Just as a little reminder of one of the best films by Stanley Kubrick and across board. Definitely one of my top 10 all-time-favorites!

Montag, 19. April 2010

People Who Could Need A Pinch Of Sigi Asso

Why? DUH! Because he has two bottles of gin! A balanced diet would be one bottle of gin and one bottle of rum! Tststs...

Sigi Asso? Noooo!

Poor little monkey...

Sigi Movies Nr. 2

One of the best late 1970's greaser movie I know, sweet Plot, sweet cast and sweet soundtrack.
Directed by Philip Kaufman and based on a novel by Richard Price.

Two Of The Most Sigi Super Hero's

He-Man & The Comedian

Samstag, 17. April 2010

Mittwoch, 14. April 2010